AGRIS Customer Documentation
Grain Contracting
Overview of Commodity Contract Entry Session
Many times when working with Customer's on Support Cases we notice that Contracts are being entered without taking advantage of changes made over the years to expedite the process.
Changes were made not to remove screens but to shorten the process by the use of Quick Contract Entry.
At the same time changes were made to be able to additionally create Template Contracts so that the amount of data needing to be entered could also be shortened.
Discount Schedule Codes are another option that helps associate discount tables with either a specific Customer that you deal with or for a specific region that you might transact business.
Other Items have been added as well and other documents will be added to cover those.
You can create a table of Contract Signed Statuses. Signed Status can then be selected from a list when a contract is written. Contract Reports can be sorted and subtotaled by Signed Status.
You can create a list of available contract Delivery Terms. Delivery Terms can then be selected from the list when a contract is written. Contract Reports can be sorted and subtotaled by Delivery Terms.
Ability to add Options schedules to a delivery contract and associate each option with a delivery schedule
Discount Schedule Codes on Ticket Applications
Amendment Notes may be added to commodity contracts and schedules. Use the Amend Notes button in Contract Maintenance. Each note may be up to 1000 characters. User and Date/Time are tracked with each note. Amendment Notes may be printed on contract forms.
Contract Entry: AGRIS Right out of the Box
Navigation: GRN, Contracts, Contract Maintenance, Select 1) Add New Contracts (Add, Main, Schedules [Delivery/Pricing] and Remarks)
The Add New Contract option displays the first sceen in the Add New Contract series.
The Location Code input field identifies the specific location where the contract is maintained. This field defaults the selected location code. This field may be overridden, if necessary.
The Purchase/Sales input filed determines the basic type of contract. Type P for Purchase or S for Sales in the input field. This input field defaults the Purchase/Sales code specified by Contract Information in Setup Information.
Clicking on OK opens the Main Screen.
The required Contract Type input field determines the specific type of Contract. Contract Types are defined in Setup Information. This input field defaults the contract type specified by Contract Information in Setup Information. In the above example, the default is for P = Priced. The Default can be overridden by entering the desired type of by clicking on the ellipse to display a list of the valid contract types.
The required Commodity Code input field identifies the commodity for this contract. If known type the commodity code in the input field. In unknown, press enter to open a search selection box.
The required Contract Name Id identifies the customer's account, as maintained in the Agris Name/Address System. This is the Name ID of the customer who the contract is issued to. If known, type the Name Id in the input field. If unknown, press Enter to activate the search feature.
The Quantity Base input field accepts six responses even though only five are shown in the drop down menu.
Type Q for a contract with a set quantity per pricing/delivery period
Type T for a contract with a total quantity for all pricings/delivery periods
Type L for a contract with a set number of loads per pricing/delivery
Type M for a contract with a total number of loads for all pricings/delivery periods
Type O for an open ended contract
Type B for a bagged contract (The Bagged Contract is no longer displayed but it is an available choice if the Storage Management System (BIN) has been integrated in the selected dataset.)
The Contract Status input field defaults A for Active. Valid Contract status codes are displayed in the box labeled status. Contracts entered using any of the Pending status codes will not appear on the Hedge Position Report. Also, applications cannot be made to contracts with any of the Pending status codes.
Options Sub-menu
The Options sub-menu is displayed after each screen in the series. The Sub Menu is used to advance or return to a specific screen or series of screens.
The Option input field defaults the line option number of the next screen in the series. Simply press Enter to accept the defaulted next screen. Type or highlight the desired line option number and press Enter to select another screen in the series.
The Save/Edit option completes the add contract series of screens. This option will appear only after option number 3 has been completed.
This option from the Options Sub-menu is divided into two sections. The Delivery Schedule and the Pricing Schedule.
Delivery Schedule
Enter the Number of units of measure (bushels) in the Scheduled Bushels input field. Type a number in the Loads input field for any load type contract.
The Delivery Date input field is the beginning date for this contract to be delivered. The Due Date input field is the ending date for this contract to be delivered. Both of these entry dates default the current position date. Type appropriate dates in these input fields.
Type the delivery terms in the Delivery Terms input field. The defaulted delivery terms are maintained in Setup Information and may be overridden.
Additional information, such as the customer's reference number or contract number, may be entered in Their Contract # input field. This field is for reporting purposes only.
The Item Number input field limits the application to this contract in the AGRIS Inventory Management System to a single inventory item, as maintained in INV.
The Inventory Location input field determines the accounting location of where the commodity is to be delivered for this contract. This input field defaults the location code selected as the default location on the Default Location under File. This input field may be overridden, as required.
A ticket may be delivered by an account that is different than the account to whom the contract was issued. The Application Name ID input field determines the account that the ticket is to be applied to. This field must match the Name Id used on the ticket applications screen during Ticket Entry.
The Shipper Name ID input field identifies the specific hauler for this contract. If used then the Name ID in this field must exist in the Agris Name/Address System. If known, simply type the Name ID in the input field. The alpha search feature may be used to locate the Name ID from NAM.
A contract may be delivered by an account different than the account who the contract is issued to. The Ship From Name ID (purchase contract) input field or the Ship To Name ID (sales contract) input field limits ticket applications for this contract only to a single Name ID. If used, this Name ID must match the primary Name ID used in ticket entry. If known, simply type the Name ID in the input field. The alpha-search feature may be used to locate the Name ID from NAM.
The Agent/Broker Name ID input field identifies the broker for this contract. The input field defaults from the agent/broker relationship in NAM and may be overridden as necessary. This field is for reporting purposes. The alpha-search feature may be used to locate the Name ID from NAM.
The Other Name Id fields (Misc. Name ID and Other Name ID) input fields are informational that can be associated with individual contract pricings.
The Apply Status defaults the Contract Status from the Main Screen.
The Signed Status input field indicates if a signed contract has been returned. This field is for reporting purposes.
The Transport Mode input field limits ticket applications for this contract to a single mode. Valid transportation modes are maintained in Setup Information and are listed in the drop down box. If defaulted, the mode may be overridden, if appropriate. If the field is not required on the contract type and it is then left blank, tickets with any transportation mode can be applied.
The State County, Salesperson, Territory, Market Region, Origin Location and Destination Loc. input fields default from the Agris Name/Address System and may be used as selection criteria in such reports as the Situation Report under the Market Evaluation Reports. These fields may be overridden if necessary. A search selection box may be opened to display the codes established in NAM.
The Weight Base input field determines which weight to use during ticket application to this contract. The Grade Base input field determines which grade to use during ticket application to this contract. Valid bases are listed in the drop down boxes. These fields are defaulted in Contract Type Setup. Default fields may be overridden.
Pricing Schedule
This screen is used to enter the pricing information concerning this contract schedule.
The Price input field sets the "scheduled price" on this pricing. Type the price per unit of measure in the space provided. As defined in Setup Information, the various price input fields may be used in the calculation of the Price input field.
The other input fields on this screen are primarily for reporting purposes, such as the Market Evaluation Report. These fields may be setup by contract type in Setup Information as either required, optional, or not available input fields.
Type the futures price and basis price in the Futures input and the Basis input fields.
Type the freight rate in dollars per unit of measure in the Freight input field, if appropriate.
Type the brokerage rate in dollars per unit of measure in the Brokerage input field.
Type any other pricing rate in dollars per unit of measure in the Other Pricing input field.
The Miscellaneous Price input fields may be used to record any other prices that may be important to maintain this contract.
The Price Status input field defaults to a U for Unpriced. After continuing, this field will be updated to P for Priced, if a Price has been entered.
The Pricing Date input field is required if the Price input field has been entered. Type the appropriate date. This input field defaults the current position date upon continuing.
The date in the Expire Date input field is for reporting on Basis, Offers, Options or Deferred Pricing contracts. Type the expiration date in the input field, if appropriate.
The Board Name input field defaults the board name abbreviation from the commodity code tables. Type another abbreviation in the input field, if appropriate.
The Futures Month input field identifies the board month. Type the valid board month appropriate for this contract. Valid futures months are defined under Commodity Tables.
Type the spread month and spread type in the Spread Month input field and Spread Type input field, if appropriate. These two fields are for reporting purposes only.
The value entered in the Advance Percent input field is used in an Advance Settlement. To override the defaulted percentage, type a percentage in the space provided, if appropriate.
The four Pricing Remark fields may be open for input. You may type in a comment in the space provided, type the remark number, or open a search selection box if a range of standard contract remarks has been specified in Setup Information.
The discount codes associated to the selected commodity are listed above the Discount Table input fields. Refer to the Commodity Tables Menu regarding discount codes, commodity codes and default discount tables. The Discount Table input fields default the discount tables specified in the View/Edit Default Tables option on the Discount Tables Sub-Menu.
If known, any of the defaulted discount tables may be overridden by typing an existing discount table code in the appropriate input field. To open a search selection box on any of the discount table codes, type an asterisk in the appropriate input field and press enter.
Clicking on OK at the bottom of the Pricing Schedule takes you back to the Delivery/Pricing screen. Here you can insert another Schedule, Add an Option, access the Delivery Screen, access the Pricing Screen, return to the Main Screen, access the Remarks Screen, Save/Exit or click on Back to open the Sub Option Menu. Clicking on Continue also reopens the Sub Options Menu. Once on the sub option menu, Enter takes you to the Remarks.
Standard Remarks and Contract Remarks
Thirty Standard Contract Remarks may be defaulted on each contract type. These defaulted standard remarks may be restricted to ranges of the standard remarks in Setup Information. These defaulted standard remarks may be overridden by typing the standard remark number in the appropriate input field. Additional Standard Remarks may be added by keying in the appropriate numeric code. If unknown, a search selection box may be activated by keying in an asterisk or by clicking on the ellipse and continuing.
The Contract Remarks screen follows the Standard Contract Remarks. There can be a maximum of thirty additional remarks in the Contract Remarks input fields. These additional remarks may be printed on a contract form and at a later time viewed or edited through the View/Edit option.
Contract Number
The Contract Number screen is the last screen in the series of Add A New Contract. The Contract Number input field identifies the specific contract in the location. The Contract Number input field defaults the next contract number, as maintained in the Document Numbers under Customize.
Quick Contract Entry
Contract Maintenance
Contract Maintenance screens were modified to provide a quicker contract entry process. Contract Type setup determines which fields are optional and/or required during contract entry. The field values used in setup allow for the entry of a one screen Quick entry. Below are the Business Rules for Quick Contract Entry.
Quick Contract Entry Business Rules
To determine which fields are available on the second half of the main contract entry screen, the options in Setup Information, Contract Types were expanded. The changes are in effect for Available Fields and Remarks. Any fields placed on the main screen are also in their normal position during contract entry. Set each field to a value of 0-6:
0=Not Available
3=Required, Allow Zero Price (price fields only)
4=Optional, also show on main screen
5=Required, also show on main screen
6=Required, Allow Zero Price, also show on main screen (price fields only)
Scheduled Units and Number of Loads (if Loads contract) will always be available and required on the main screen if at least one other field is available at the bottom of the main screen. This allows the first price schedule to be entered quickly. Up to 20 other fields (combination of Available Fields + Remarks) may be entered on the main screen (view-only when editing or viewing a contract).
If the contract is not saved on this screen, the contract entry process will continue following the normal process.
Discounts cannot be entered on the main screen. They must be set on the General Information screen.
Options 3 and 6 are options for price fields only. These options leave the price field blank when adding a price schedule (as opposed to a zero). This forces the user to enter a price in the field. Zero is allowed.
Navigation buttons exist for all screens in Contract Maintenance. Press a button to go to the desired screen. These buttons act similar to a Tab control, allowing the user to bypass the traditional popup sub-menu. Press a navigation button to search and/or validate all fields on the current screen then proceed to the desired screen. There are buttons for MAIN, SCHEDULES, and REMARKS.
On any screen press OK to accept entries and go to the popup sub-menu (retains current functionality). Press CANCEL to ignore entries and go to the popup sub-menu.
Below is a copy of the Available Fields for a Price Purchase Contract. If you want to quickly change the existing setup of a Contract to Quick Contract Entry then change required fields from a 2 to a 5, any price fields from a 3 to a 6 and any optional fields from a 1 to a 4. Standard, Contract and or Pricing Remarks can also be included on the front screen.
Priced Purchase Contract setup for Quick Contract entry.
Entering a Contract Using Quick Contract Entry
When adding a contract, continue to enter Location and Purchase/Sales code.
On the next screen enter Contract Type, Commodity, Name Id, Date, Quantity Base, and Status at the top of the screen.
After entering the above values, the rest of the screen will open up contract fields specified by setup. If all required fields are either available on this screen or already filled in on the contract, a Save/Exit button will be available to save the contract. If the contract is not saved on this screen, the contract entry process will continue following the normal process.
A new Contract can also be defaulted from an existing Template Contract. When adding a contract the available types are more than Purchase or Sales. If you search for the available types the following choices appear.
Template contracts are contracts from which other contracts can be defaulted. They have no other purpose. They cannot be applied to and do not affect position. You may add, edit, view, and delete template contracts. There are purchase and sales template contracts. All required fields are made optional on template contracts. Template contracts have a Contract Description field which is required. This description will be shown when searching for a template contract. Template contracts may be printed.
Template Contracts may be a type T (Purchase Templates) or a type U (Sales Templates). Contract Type is required on template contracts. Available fields are then set by the P/S settings in Setup Information for the Contract Type. All required fields are set to optional. Fields are validated. Commodity, Name ID, Quantity Base, Status, Delivery Date, Due Date, and Units are all optional on template contracts. The contract will be saved in the Contract files. There is a required field on the main screen to enter a description for the template contract.
When defaulting a contract from another contract, the Purchase/Sales Code entered for the default contract may be a "T" or "U". Then enter the template contract number to retrieve the default information. There is a separate search selection grid for the template contracts. Contract Description is included on the selection grid.
Additional notes about template contracts:
Location Code and Contract Type are required on template contracts.
Template contracts will not update position.
Template contracts have a separate document number definition
Template contracts cannot be imported.
Template contracts can be included in Contract reports if the Purchase/Sales Code selection range is left blank.
Template contracts may be printed using Contract forms. The default form will be the existing purchase/sales type default.
Adding a Template Contract:
Template Contract Forms are entered in Contracts, Contract Maintenance when you Select 1) Add New Contracts. See the following drop down of Contract types.
See the example below of a Template form for a Priced Purchase Truck Corn Contract.
Specify your Template Type. In this example I picked T for Purchase Template and then clicked on OK.
I entered the Contract Type, Commodity Code and a Contract Description and then clicked on OK. The Contract Type and Contract Description are both required fields. Clicking on OK open the remainder of the contract screens.
In the screen that followed I added the Signed Status, Transport Mode, Delivery Terms, Board Name, Market Region and several Contract Remarks. All of these field can be overridden during contract entry.
Additional fields found on the Pricing screen can be defaulted as well. If you have specific disount tables for Truck Corn going to Bartlett for instance they can be defaulted below.
Once you have completed your entry click on Save/Exit and a Contract Number will be assigned.
To use the template forms, click on the Default button in Contract Maintenance. On the screen that follows, set the Purchase/Sales to a T and click on OK.
A list of your template forms will be displayed
Select your form, the date will default to today's system date. Fill in the appropriate Name Id and click on OK.
You'll note below that the Signed Status, Transport Mode, Delivery Terms, Market Region and Remarks are set based on the Template.
Discount Schedule Codes
Go to GRN > Commodity Tables > Discount Tables and Select 6) Discount Schedule Codes
Enter a Commodity Code and Click OK.
If this is the first time you get the following:
Click on Yes to Add a Schedule Code. At the top enter a Schedule Code along with a Description. You can give it any code or description that you would like. In this example we are creating a Discount Schedule to be used on purchase contracts to delivered to Bartlett Grain Co. Fill in the Discount Tables that you would like to use for Bartlett. When finished, click on OK
Now that you have the Schedule created you can use it when entering contracts.
Go to GRN > Contracts > Contract Maintenance > Add New Contracts
Click on Schedules, on the next screen click on Pricing.
Notice that the normal default tables defaulted in. To change them to the Bartlett Schedule Code, click on Discount Schedule button.
The following screen will appear. Any schedules that were set up for Corn would appear. Select the desired Schedule that was setup for Bartlett. .
There is no need to change each discount code and table. The Bartlett tables automatically populate. Save and Exit.
~ Document Written by Phil Lehnhausen 06/19
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