Purchasing Grain 3rd Party

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Purchasing Grain 3rd Party

Purchasing Grain 3rd Party “In Store” at another Elevator


Use this guide when Grain is purchased and stored at another elevator.

For this example…. Elevator A is purchasing grain from Elevator B. Elevator A does not have room to store the grain and will leave the grain he purchased at Elevator B In storage.


Steps for Elevator A

Step 1. Enter a purchase contract for Elevator B

Step 2. Enter and Inbound Direct Ticket with Elevator B Name Id and Apply to the Purchased contract that was created in step 1.

Step 3. Enter an Outbound Direct Terminal Storage Ticket for Elevator A and place on Hold. This will record Terminal Storage in the Position.

Step 4. Produce a Purchase delivery sheet for the tickets applied to the purchase contract.

Step 5. Produce a Purchase settlement and pay Elevator B for the Grain Purchased.

*Note Outbound Direct terminal storage ticket stays on hold until a decision is made to move the Grain or sell it back to Elevator B.


Steps for Elevator B

Step 1. Seller will create a sales contract for Elevator A.

Step 2. Seller will create an Inbound Direct ticket for Elevator A and Apply to Open storage for Elevator A.

Step 3. Seller will create an Outbound Direct ticket for Elevator A and apply to Sales contract.

Step 4. Seller will produce a sales delivery sheet.

Step 5. Seller will Produce a sales settlement and create and Invoice.

Step 6. Seller will apply the payment made by Elevator A to the invoice.


*Note for Elevator A…If the Grain gets sold back to the seller, Elevator A can take the Outbound Direct Terminal Storage ticket and Apply to a sales contract.

*Note for Elevator A…If the grain gets loaded out of the 3rd Party facility and brought to Elevator A’s site, Then apply the Inbound tickets to a spot contract daily & apply the same amount of the Outbound direct terminal store tickets that are on hold to a spot contract at the same price as the Purchase. Then when done, do a final settlement and select the purchase and sales delivery sheets to create zero settlement.




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