Contract Basis Roll

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Contract Basis Roll

Menu Path: Grain – Contracts – Contract Basis Roll

When processing the Basis Roll module, the user has the option to input an optional fee that will be populated into each of the contract pricings that are being ‘rolled’ to a new Futures Month. The operator is able to choose which one of the pricing fields this fee will reside. When setting up the Basis Roll Fee in the Misc Price fields, the word “Roll” must be in your description for the Roll Fee to show on the Basis Roll screen displayed below. After processing the Basis Roll, the fee will not adjust the new rolled Basis. It will be a deduction to the calculated price of Futures +/- Basis - Fee. In GRN > Setup Info > Contract Types > Update Available Fields for the fee to display on the contract. Also, update the Price Formula to have the fee get subtracted in the Schedule Price, for each Contract Type that you want to add a Basis Roll Fee.


When processing the Basis Roll module, the operator is able to enter a remark that will be populated into each of the contract pricings that are being ‘rolled’ to a new Futures Month. The operator is able to enter any of the 4 pricing remarks, or to populate the first unused pricing remark. If all 4 Pricing Remarks have already been used for a particular contract pricing, then the value entered here will be placed into remark #4, replacing the existing remark #4 value.

"Futures Month" was added as range criteria when batch-printing contract forms. This allows the operator to print contract amendment forms after the basis roll process. That way, any contracts with the new Futures Month with an older Contract Date can be processed to print an amendment contract form.

A Standard report exists for Futures/Basis Auditing.

Below is an example of a Contract Basis Roll


A Beginning and Ending Futures Month entry exists on the Print Contract Forms screen (as shown at the bottom of the screen sample below). This allows the user to filter the Contract forms by all Contract Pricings with a particular Futures Month.


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