AGRIS Customer Documentation
Template Contracts
Under the Purchase/Sales option on contracts, you now have the option to use a Template Contract. Template Contracts only purpose is to be a default for another contract. You cannot apply to a Template Contract, nor do Template Contracts affect the position. To enter a new template contract follow the Adding a New Contract - Quick Method or the Adding a New Contract - Regular Method. Once the Template Contracts are entered, you can use them as default contracts.
To enter a default contract using a template contract:
From the Toolbar, click GRN for Commodity Management.
From the Commodity menu, select Contracts, and then select Contract Maintenance.
Select Add New Contracts.
In the Location Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the accounting location, or type the accounting location .
In the Purchases/Sales box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select P for purchase, S for Sales, T for Purchase Template, or U for Sales Template.
You are still able to select a default contract You can select a default contract number by selecting the default button. Use the look up or type in the default contract number. Select the default button now located in the bottom of the screen.
Click OK.
If you choose #6 Default button, Click Lookup or type * in the default contract number and select the template contract you wish to use as the default.
Additional notes about Template Contracts:
You cannot apply to a Template Contract.
Template Contracts will not update the position.
Template Contracts have a separate document number.
Template Contracts cannot be imported.
Template Contracts will be included in Contract Reports if the P/S Code selection range is left blank.
Template Contracts may be printed using Contract Forms.
Learn more about Contracts feature:
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