Moving a Payment on Hold to a Prepayment

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Moving a Payment on Hold to a Prepayment

How to move a payment on hold to a prepayment in Accounts Receivable


  1. Key a manual invoice in ACR > Invoices / Credit Memos > Invoice Maintenance > 1. Add Manual Invoices for the amount you want to move from payment on hold to prepay. Code the invoice to a clearing account.

  2. Apply the payment on hold to the manual invoice just created in ACR > Payments / Prepayments > Payments / Prepayments > 4. Apply Payments.

  3. Use the search and filter criteria to find the payment on hold. Select the payment and choose 1. Apply Amount to Selected Invoices.

  4. Find the manual invoice created in step 1, and apply the payment against it.

  5. Key the prepayment in ACR > Payments / Prepayments > Payments / Prepayments > 1. Enter Payments Received as you would key a normal prepayment, selecting the type of prepayment you want it to be.

    1. Take note of the bank code the prepayment is using. This will be used in the next step

  6. Now that the payment on hold has been cleared out and the prepayment has been keyed, go to BNK > Bank Account > Bank Maintenance. Key the bank code that was used on the prepayment keyed in step 5.

  7. Choose 1. Add New Transactions

  8. Key a manual withdrawal to the bank account the prepayment was entered to in the amount of the prepayment and code the transaction to the same clearing account that was used on the manual invoice keyed in step 1.

  9. You can reconcile the prepay and the manual withdrawal against each other in your bank reconciliation


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