Adding Name Id's with Relationships and Commodity Information

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Adding Name Id's with Relationships and Commodity Information


Use this job aid to add relationships and Commodity information for default Defer payment dates to current name id's.

To add relationships

Examples of relationship can be a lien holder, landlord, partner, remit to address, or a different bill to name id. 

  1. From the Name and Address menu, select Name/Address Maintenance, and then select View/Edit Name Id. 

  2. Search for or key in a name Id that we are adding relationships to.

  3. Select Relationships from the menu.                                                                                                  

  4. Select Relationship type, see examples below.                                                                                                    



Example: Lien Holders

  1. Search for or key in the name Id that represents the lien holder.

  2. Select Commodity code or leave blank for all commodities.

  3. Continue to add lien holder name Ids as needed up to 50.

  4. Click OK to finish.

  5. Or Click Save/Exit.

Example: Ticket Splits

  1. Select Ticket Split Group

  2. Edit Ticket Split Group Title, for example, "irrigated home circle"

  3. Key in or search name Ids, for example, farmer and landlords names.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Key in the percent or quantity of the split. For example, 75/25.

  6. Click OK or Next to go to Next Ticket Group.

  7. Or Click Save/Exit.


Example: Settlement Splits

  1. Select Settlement Split Group

  2. Edit the Settlement Split Group name, such as partnership split

  3. Key in or search name Ids.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Key in percent or amount for the split. For example, 50/50.

  6. Click OK or Next to go to the Next Settlement Split Group.

  7. Or Click Save/Exit.

Example: Invoice Splits

  1. In the First Split To Name Id box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the first name id, which should be the farmer's name Id.

    1. In the Second Split To Name Id box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the second name id, which should be the landlords.

    2. Click Next.

    3. In the Percent box, type the percentage for each Split To Name Id. 

    4. Click Save/Exit.

    5. Select a type of relationship (for example: ticket splits (99 groups), settlement splits (9 groups), invoice splits, or patronage splits)

    6. Press Esc until the toolbar becomes active.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Example:  Patronage Splits 

  1. Select Patronage Split Group

  2. Key or search name Ids up to ten

  3. Key in percentage

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click continue,Or Click Save/Edit.  

To add Commodity Information:

  1. Select Commodity Information from the menu.

  2. Enter the Defer Pay Date that you want to default on the name ID.

  3. Click continue, Or Click Save/Edit.  


Learn more about the Name & Address feature:





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