Error Message: Basic 32797 Starting AGRIS

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Error Message: Basic 32797 Starting AGRIS

This error has been encountered on machines after installing or upgrading AGRIS.  Starting AGRIS, the following Error is enountered:

ERROR NUMBER: BASIC #32797 (SysSupport:bSysMenu:Main)
ERROR MESSAGE: Application-defined or object-defined error >AEUI.CLSAEUI< Server=><
INFORMATION: No additional information available for this error
RECOMMENDATION: Call AGRIS Customer Support, 800/366-2474

If internet access is available:

From the Machine with the ErrorAccess this PageClick JDASREG.vbs"Do you want to open or save this file?" > click Open"Are you sure you want to run this software?" > click Run"DllRegisterServer in c:\AGRIS\packages\env\AeUI.dll succeeded" > click OK"Finished - Press Enter to Exit" > click OKStart AGRIS

If internet access is NOT available,complete the BASIC or ADVANCED Steps:

BASIC - Reinstall (AGRIS) on the machine:

1. Click Start > (Settings) > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs
2. Select AGRIS  > Change/Remove
3. Select the Reinstall (or Repair) option and click OK
4. Once repair is complete, the machine should access AGRIS correctly. If errors are encountered during the repair, it may be necessary to completely remove AGRIS from the machine and perform a clean install. Use the steps above, but select Remove instead of Reinstall on step 3. Then refer to the V9 Installation Documentation on the Product Software CD for information on installing AGRIS V9.

ADVANCED - Manually register AEUI.DLL:

1. Click on Start > Run...
2. Type CMD and click OK
3. Browse out to AGRIS\Packages\Env folder. You might be able to use 1 of the following 2 commands to accomplish this task:

3a. If database server returns the error:]]> -

Type CD\Apps\AGRIS\Packages\Env and hit Enter

3b. If client machine returns the error (including Citrix Metaframe &amp; Terminal Servers):]]> -

Type CD\AGRIS\Packages\Env and hit Enter
4. From the \AGRIS\Packages\Env prompt, type REGSVR32 AEUI.DLL and hit Enter
5. Launch AGRIS again and if the error persists, continue to the next section.

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