Basic 2147467259 Trying to Access AGRIS

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Basic 2147467259 Trying to Access AGRIS

The error also states: "The ODBC client interface cannot access the data source because SQL connection manager is not running at the specified port number.  Contact your system administrator for assistance."

To resolve this issue:

At the AGRIS Server click Start - Run - type in REGEDIT and press Enter
Browse to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Pervasive Software\Communications Requester\Version 7\Settings and Delete the LockSAT key
Restart the Pervasive Engines
Port 1583 should now be listening and you should no longer get the Basic -2147467259 when starting AGRIS

Additional Information:

You can verify that the server is listening on the port by going to Start - Run - cmd and pressing Enter and then typing netstat -a -n and pressing Enter. This will list all the connected and listening ports. You should see 1583 as one of the TCP ports listening as shown in the example below:

TCP               LISTENING

If you see that 1583 is only open in IPv6 (i.e.   [::]:1583) then this is a problem.  Restart the database server to see if that corrects the issue. 

NOTE:  This same problem issue can also be responsible for winsock 10061 errors being returned in the Pervasive System Analyzer or that appear in the PVSW.LOG file.


Additionally, this issue has been observed when attempting to connect to PSQL server/workgroup engine on a machine with a computer name longer than 15 characters.  This includes machines operating as standalone units that would be connecting to their own local engine.  Try renaming the computer where the engine is installed, reboot the computer and then try the connection again.    



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