Error Message: Runtime Error 91 Accessing AGRIS

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Error Message: Runtime Error 91 Accessing AGRIS

he user does not have administrative rights on the local computer. 

Login as a local administrator of the computer and then assign network users to the local administrators group.  To do this:

  1. Close all programs and click Start - (Shutdown) - Logoff

  2. Login as the administrator of the network

  3. Right-click on My Computer - Manage

  4. Click the + next to Local Users and Groups

  5. Click the Groups folder

  6. On the right-hand side of the window, double-click Administrators

  7. Click Add

  8. Under 'Look in:' find your Domain -Find the Domain Users group, click it then Add, Click OK twice.  Now, Logoff again and log back in as the user that originally had problems running Agris.  AGRIS should now function properly

  9. To find your domain name:

    1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties

    2. Click Computer Name or Network Identification tab

    3. The Domain Name is listed under the Domain section

    4. Click Cancel

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