Sort 229 Errors

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Sort 229 Errors

Sort 229 errors are fairly uncommon.  A variety of factors can influence whether a Sort 229 error might be encountered. When they are encountered, however, they are typically observed while running a report stream.

An error similar to the following is recorded in the AGRIS error log:

*04-27-2006 20:40:32 S=Z4-087 U=user D=001 P=GRN
SORT #229 (AeData:clsAeData:AeSortFile)
Error opening sortwork or merge file
No additional information available for this error
SysSupport:bSysMenu:Main, GrnCoRpp:clsSetup:Go,
GrnCoRpp:AeReportW:ArSortFile, AeData:clsAeData:AeSortPackageFile,
Machine Name=pc, Network User=user, Version=

Data Path=
Support Path=
Work Path=C:\TEMP 
Component Server=[server], Database Name=[A00104082006071347] 


The best place to start in resolving this issue is to remove temporary files.
To remove temporary files:

  1. Utilities

  2. Remove Temporary Files


Other factors to consider if the above does not help to resolve the issue

  • Modify the local AGRIS.ini file on the machine returning the error.

  • If the Work Path is similar to C:\Temp, try blanking it out so it defaults to the dataset that the machine is accessing.

    • If the Work Path is blank, try changing it to a local temp directory (i.e. C:\Temp).

  • Are there any open AGRIS files that might be held open by a Citrix MetaFrame or Terminal Server session? Any files being held open by Pervasive?

  • Can they run the reports in the report stream manually without incident?

  • Is the antivirus a factor?

  • Have there been any recent updates or changes to the antivirus configuration?

    • Is the real-time virus scan set to scan the AGRIS folder and the folder specified in the Work Path of the AGRIS.ini file?

    • Are the client workstations configured to scan Network files?

    • Is a scheduled virus scan running when the report or report stream is running

  • Is there anything unique about how the report or report stream is running?

  • Is it an automated procedure?

    • Does it run on a dedicated machine?

    • Does it run locally on the database server?

  • Is there a timing/scheduling issue? Is a scheduled backup running at the same time?

For additional help in resolving this issue, contact John Deere Agri Services TAC (Technical Assistance Center).

NOTES from System Manager Help on Temporary Files:

  • Use Remove Temporary Files to manually clean up temporary work files. You can add this option to a Report Stream to automatically run this cleanup process daily. AGRIS recommends that you schedule the cleanup process to run just after midnight so that you do not affect daily processes.

  • In a LAN/WAN environment, this is highly recommended.

  • You can also configure a scheduler service (not provided by AGRIS Corporation) that would launch AGRIS, specifying the stream option on the command line.

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