AGRIS Customer Documentation

Error 0 Encountered While Working Inside AGRIS V9

Error 0: occurred in AeOpenSequentialFile !!!

This error may occur when running certain procedures or reports that make use of the AGRIS COM+ applications.  In a recent occurrence of the error, it was determined that only one client workstation was experiencing the issue.  The client was properly configured other than the fact that when we browsed out to the COM+ applications, we could not manually start them on the local machine due to permission errors.  Once we added the network user to the local administrators group on the computer, the COM+ permission error stopped and the Error 0 in AGRIS was no longer present.

NOTE:  Depending on the behavior, it may be that there is a problem on the database server or the actual client(s) encountering the error or both.  COM+ should be checked on both the server and client machines to make sure they are each functioning properly.     

To verify if COM+ is functioning correctly follow the steps below:

  1. Go to

Start > (Settings) > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services

  1. Double-click on (

Component Services) > Computers > My Computer > COM+ Applications

  1. Right-click on

Agris_ABS > Start

  • If the ball inside the box begins to rotate, then COM+ on the machine is functioning properly.

  • If an error is encountered, then COM+ is not working correctly.  Address the error being returned by COM+ and when that error is corrected, AGRIS should function properly


  1. In a recent issue involving this error status, we had a standalone machine encountering the problem while invoicing and only in 1 dataset. We had to clear out the DSN for the dataset in question and allow AGRIS to spawn a new one. A detailed explanation of how to clear DSN entries via Pervasive Control Center can be found by searching in this KB.

  2. If AGRIS COM+ Applications can be started on the client without error, I would recommend reinstalling AGRIS on the client. Recently a customer was encountering this error after having been infected with a virus. They were able to clean off the virus, but after printing an invoice they would encounter the error. The reinstall fixed the issue for them.

  3. If the AGRIS\Datasets\Activity.AGR file reaches 4GB in size, it can trigger this error whenever AGRIS attempts to record activity in that log.  Essentially, AGRIS is wanting to write to a file, but can't.  In this case, it is not a permissions issue, but a file size limitation.  

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