Ticket Entry Through Final Settlement

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Ticket Entry Through Final Settlement


Access ticket entry through GRN > Shipments > Ticket Entry

Location: Always ensure this is the location the grain was shipped to/from.
Ship Date: This should be the actual date the load unloaded/loaded out. Your dataset date parameters may restrict back dating or forward dating, but this can be altered to your needs. If you find you need to back date tickets often, you can have a Date Group for Tickets only which will allow backdating.
Ticket Type: Next 4 fields are where you define what kind of ticket to enter.
1st field is where you state whether ticket is an Inbound or Outbound. The available codes are listed to the right of the field.
2nd field is the Ticket Type. The available Types are listed to the right of the field in the 2nd column from the left.
3rd field is Transportation Mode. The available Mode are listed to the right of the field in the 3rd column from the left. Transportation Modes can be customized by dataset. You can have up to 8 different Transportation Modes.
4th field is Ticket Status. The available Statuses are listed to the right of the field in the 4th column from the left.
Note the Default Shipment button: This allows you to choose another ticket & have it prefill in remaining fields to allow quicker ticket entry, especially if you need the same data on multiple tickets.
Hit Next when these field are complete.

Ticket No: Depending on Document Number settings, you will be prompted for the next available #, you may have the ability to enter whatever number is needed. If you want to use a Control Number, which usually lets you enter a letter as part of the number, you must Blank out the number given & then hit Enter to get a Control Number to come up.

Name Id: This is who the grain is for on inbound & who you are selling to on outbound. You can enter if you know the Id or you can search for the Id.
Vehicle Id: Optional field used to help identify something about the load. For barges or rail cars it generally is the barge or car number.
Shipment Id: This is designed to give you a way to link shipments together. If the number entered in the 1st box is used again on another ticket, the 2nd 2 boxes will sequence the numbers for you. It can be helpful when linking rail cars that are shipped on the same bill of lading. You can put a common number in each ticket, then later you can do searches & produce delivery sheets & settlements based on the Shipment Id. If you choose to not enter something, it defaults to I or O, then the 3 digit Location code, and then the ticket number.

Commodity Code: You can enter if known, or you can search for the code.

Weight: If you have Gross, Tare & Net they all can be entered, but you don't have to. If you only have the Net Weight you can enter that in the Gross field & hit enter. You will get a message, Values Do Not Match. That's ok, hit Ok and the system will continue by putting the weight into both the Gross & Net fields.

You can also enter just the bushels/tons/cwts if that's all you know. If entering anything other than pounds you must enter a decimal point, this is what tells the system you are entering the Unit Of Measure, not pounds. The system will then convert those bushels/tons/cwts to pounds and then show the converted Unit Of Measure.

Weight Base: Weight Base options can be customized by dataset. It's a way to label what type of weight is being entered. Common choices are: Origin, Destination, First Official, Estimate or Final. Logic can also be added to allow or disallow settlements being done depending on the Weight Base & whether the Weight Base matches the terms of the contract.

Grade Base: Similar to Weight Base, Grade Base can be customized by dataset. Logic can also be entered to allow or disallow settlements based on Grade Base codes.
Grade Factors: The Grade Factors presented can be unique by Location & Commodity. The order presented can be customized to follow a Grade Certificate for ease of keying. We currently have the ability to enter up to 40 Grade Factors per Commodity.

After all factors are entered hit Ok.

At this point you have 6 choices.

  1. Freight/Misc – this allows you to enter info needed to setup info to pay a transportation provider.

  2. Ticket Remarks – allows you to enter multiple lines of Remarks. You can customize how many rows of Remarks are available & what the Remark field description is. There are up to 30 available Remark lines.

  3. Place On Hold – if you don't know what the customer wants to do with his grain you can place On Hold to allow it be applied at a later date.

  4. Adjust Splits – allows you to split the ticket up to 10 separate name ids. You can split by percentage of ticket or by bushel amounts.

  5. Apply Ticket – this is where the disposition of the ticket is indicated. You will be presented with another menu of available choices of how the ticket can be applied.

  6. Apply/Settle – this option will allow you to apply the ticket and if applying to contract or spot you can go right to the settlement, without backing out to the main menu. It will produce a Delivery Sheet automatically & prompt you to Settle. This would be used if you only had this 1 ticket to settle.

For this document I will proceed to Apply Ticket to enable processing a settlement, later in the process.
After clicking Apply Ticket, you are presented with 8 options.

If the system highlights #1 Apply to Open Contract, it recognizes that there are open contracts for this customer. You can select any of the dispositions, however the customer wants his ticket applied. You also have another chance to Adjust Splits if you forgot to choose it on the last screen.
If you choose #1 Apply to Open Contract you will be prompted with a listing of all open contracts for the customer. There are setting that can be set to prevent contracts from forward shipment periods from showing up. But all open contracts from past shipment periods will be presented.

Highlight & select the contract you wish to apply to.

You are given the option to apply the whole ticket or you can change the bushels you want to be applied to a lesser amount.
You are given the opportunity to see the Weigh/Grade Base of the ticket & of the contract. If these don't match, you can see you are presented with a warning, <<<Current Applied Weight/Grade Certificate Does Not Match The Contract >>>, this is a soft warning only. You can Cancel out of this contract & pick a different contract, or you can choose to go ahead & apply if the Weight/Grade Base is not important.
You are given the opportunity to View/Adjust discounts, or add additional discounts if needed. You can override the Discount Tables on the contract if needed.
If everything is correct, click OK to continue with the application process.

You get the opportunity to confirm that everything looks ok. You can see what, if any Discounts will be taken. You can see what the Remaining quantity will be on the Contract, after this load is applied. If everything looks good, click Yes.
Your ticket is now applied & you are brought back to Ticket Entry screen to continue adding more tickets, if necessary.
Once done entering tickets & you cancel out of Ticket Entry screen, you can be prompted to print a Ticket Entry Report. This report will give you a summary of each ticket entered & the total bushels that Updated Inventory & each disposition you applied the tickets to. You can also opt to not have this report print in settings.


After all tickets are entered & applied you are now ready to Produce A Delivery Sheet before you can Settle. A Delivery Sheet is a pre-settlement sheet that summarizes everything you are going to settle. It gives you a chance to review the Discounts/Premiums, the Contract & Contract Price, to ensure the correct dollars are going to be settled.
To Produce A Delivery Sheet go to GRN > Settlements > Produce A Delivery Sheet > enter the Commodity Code & Customer Name ID. Ensure Purchase or Sale is correct & the Location Code the tickets were entered into.

The next screen give you the opportunity to narrow down what tickets get put on the delivery sheet. You can specify any fields that will find the correct tickets to put on the sheet. If you leave fields blank as in the example, it will give you all tickets for this Commodity, Customer & Location.

A couple of questions to note: One Ticket Per Application – this will tell the system whether you want each ticket to stand on its own, or if it's ok to show all tickets on 1 summary line of the Delivery Sheet. This becomes important, especially, when putting tickets in Storage, dp or Grain Bank. By having One Ticket Per Application it allows the storage start dates to be the actual ticket shipment date, not an average of the shipment dates of all tickets on the sheet. It also allows you to recalculate Discounts at the time of purchase if your Discount Tables have changed, and you want discounts determined at time of purchase, vs at time of delivery.
Choose Each Ticket – if this is set to Y it will prompt you ticket by ticket to allow you to pick which ones you want on the Delivery Sheet.
After completing this page, hit Ok. You will be presented with all the tickets that will be applied to this Delivery Sheet.

If everything on the screen is correct, you can choose to Update & Print either the generic Delivery Sheet or your user defined Delivery Sheet Form. Selecting #3 or #4 will not produce the Delivery Sheet. Those choices are an opportunity for you to View/Print the sheet for further review, but you must come back in later & select to Produce A Delivery Sheet & repeat the steps & select option #1 or #2 to actually get the sheet created.

Deferred Payment Date: After selecting option #1 or #2 you will then be presented with an opportunity to enter a Deferred Payment Date if needed. If the contract has a Deferred Payment Date filled in, you can leave it blank here & the date on the contract will be picked up. If the contract does not have that date filled in & you leave blank here, you will then be able to settle this Delivery Sheet now.
Storage/DP Table: If your tickets are in Storage or DP this is where you can specify what Storage/DP table you want to be used to calculate the Storage Charges. If left blank, it will look to Default Discount Tables, or the DP Contract for what table to fill in. If a special table, that is not the normal Default Table, is to be used, you will want to enter that table # now.

You have an opportunity to enter Remarks needed for the Delivery Sheet. Based on settings these Remarks may stay on the Sheet or only be good for printing at this time.


After your Delivery Sheet prints you have the option to continue on to Produce the Settlement. Note, that continuing on at this point will only put this Delivery Sheet on the Settlement. If there are other Delivery Sheets to be Settled it will not give you the opportunity to pick up those Sheets. If you have other Delivery sheets you want to Settle at this point you will need to hit Back. Then go into GRN > Settlements > Produce a Settlement > then follow the prompts to finish the Settlement.

If you continue on to Produce This Settlement, you will be prompted to decide to Review the Settlement Info & Splits.
I recommend saying Yes to this question. You will be prompted with this screen.

On the left hand side of the screen you have the opportunity to review the Bushels, Contract #, Delivery Sheet #, Contract Price, Dollar Extension, any Discount/Premiums and the total dollars of this Settlement as is.
You now have 4 choices to Add or Remove any Discounts or Premiums.

  1. Default Deductions – entering through with #1 in Other Deductions allows Discounts/Premiums set to be deducted at Settlement time will now be added to the Settlement. This is usually Grain Assessment/Tax. But there can be other Discounts/Premiums set to calculate at Settlement time. These are setup in Default Discount Tables.

  2. View/Edit Other Deductions – if you know of any additional Discounts/Premiums that need to be added or any Discounts/Premiums to be removed this is where you can add or delete them. By choosing this option you most likely are wanting to add a Flat Dollar Discount/Premium for the entire Settlement.

  3. Additional Charges For All Applications – this is similar to #2 only you want an amount to show for every Delivery Sheet being Settled.

  4. No Additional Deductions – this will cause the Settlement amount to not change. It will bypass any Discounts/Premiums set to be calculated at Settlement time & cause them to not be added.

Note: If option #2 or #3 are needed you will need to do those first, before entering through with option #1 Default Deductions.
If you enter #2 or #3 in Other Deductions it will first prompt you for any Default Deductions to ensure you do want those added. If they are the correct rate, just enter through without changing anything.

Then you will be presented with Discount Code & the chance to pick what additional Discount/Premium code you want to Add or Remove.

You can enter the Discount Code or you can search. Once you enter a code you will be prompted to pick a Discount Table.

You can search to see if there's a table to calculate the amount, or you can leave blank & it will take you to the rate. This is where you can decide if you need the system to calculate or if you are entering a Flat Dollar Charge.

It will then prompt to see if you want to add another Discount Code. If not, just leave it blank & it will continue on the Settlement process.
If everything now looks correct on the screen you can choose option #1 Update/Print Settlement.

Choosing option #2 or #3 will not produce the settlement. It is only an option to allow you to test printing & see the total dollars that will be settled. But if these options are chosen you will need to go back later & Produce the Settlement & repeat all the steps above.
Now you are prompted to select the Settlement Options.

  1. A/R Payments/Adjust Splits – this allows you to deduct any AR invoices that may be open for this customer. This is also where you can chose to pay someone else or split the settlement with others. You have up to 10 name ids that the settlement can be split too. Splitting at Settlement time will only allow you to split by percentage or by specific dollar amount.

  2. Check – this allows you to print the check now. You will be prompted for Bank Code & next available Check Number on the next screen.

  3. A/R Credit Memo – instead of deducting open AR invoices, you can send this Settlement to AR as a Credit Memo to later be applied to Invoices that may or may not already exist.

  4. A/P Voucher – this allow you to send the Settlement to AP as a Voucher to be paid at a later time. You may want this option when doing settlements for multiple commodities for the same customer, but you only want to issue 1 check.

For this example we will select #2 Check. You may be prompted for a Bank Code & next Available Check Number depending on how Default settings are set.

Next screen gives you the ability to choose if you want certain things to print on the bottom. This screen may not be presented, depending on settings & Settlement Forms defaulted. Remarks added on this screen may be good only for printing & may not be saved based on settings.

You now are prompted to print the Settlement & Check.
This completes the process from Ticket Entry to Settlement.
~Document Written by Arlena Bannon 08/19

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