Terminal Storage Procedure

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Terminal Storage Procedure


1. Enter the Terminal Storage ticket (type S) to a Name ID for the Terminal. Example: Galveston Terminal Port.

This will put the ticket in Terminal Storage on the Position.

2. When grain at the Terminal Storage is sold, Apply the ticket from Hold, and select ESC to adjust splits.

3. In the Ticket Splits screen, enter the Name Id of who a partial part of the ticket was sold to and then enter until you are at the Gross Bushels fields. Here put the bushels that are to be split off.

4. Select Yes and then each part of the split ticket will come up to be applied however you need. Place the Terminal Storage split back to Hold, and settle the split part as you would any other Outbound ticket.

5. This will reduce the Terminal Storage on the Position and still leave the Terminal Storage ticket available to split off remaining bushels at a future date.

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