AGRIS Customer Documentation
Cross Country Ticket Entry
Purpose of Cross Country Ticket Entry
Easier way to create Direct Shipment Tickets
See Inbound and Outbound information on 1 screen
Enter Weights & Grades 1 time
Reduction of key strokes – save time
Less keying errors
Feature can be used in place of Shipments > Ticket Entry for any type of ticket (Regular, Direct, Transfer, Terminal Storage, etc.
To Access Cross Country Ticket Entry
Cross Country Ticket entry is an Extended Option within the Commodity Management System.
Your Agris License will need to include this option.
Please contact your Account Manager if you wish to purchase this feature.
After License has been applied, ensure the feature is turn on in Extended Options.
Navigate to Maintenance > Dataset Maintenance > Extended Options > Commodity Management System.
System Security
Navigation: Customize>System Security>select a user>Edit Security levels
Within System Security, there is a new option to allow Cross Country Ticket Entry. You will need at least a 2 to enter tickets or 3 to enter and apply tickets.
*Note- If the Cross Country Ticket Entry is NOT accessible after changing these setting verify if the user is assigned to a group. The group setting may need to be changed as well.
Cross Country Ticket Entry
Navigate to GRN > Shipments > Cross Country Ticket Entry
Ship Date: This should be the actual date the load unloaded/loaded out. Your dataset date parameters may restrict back dating or forward dating, but this can be altered to your needs. If you find you need to back date tickets often, you can have a Date Group for Tickets only which will allow backdating.
In/Out: You can use this screen to enter an inbound ticket, an outbound ticket or both at the same time. You would use both in the cases of direct haul and transfers.
Type: Ticket Type is defined as Adjustment, Direct Haul, Direct Terminal Storage, Freight Only, Regular, Terminal Storage, and Transfer. You can hit the magnifying glass to see the codes for each.
Mode: Mode is your transportation modes, these codes are customizable in setup. Hit the magnifying glass to see the available codes.
Status: Status is defined as Estimate, Final and Intransit. Hit the magnifying glass to see the codes for each.
Location: The location added before each ticket number should reflect the location the grain is shipped to/from.
Ticket Number: Depending on Document Number settings, you will be prompted for the next available #, you may have the ability to enter whatever number is needed. If you want to use a Control Number, which usually lets you enter a letter as part of the number, you must Blank out the number given & then hit Enter to get a Control Number to come up.
Shipment ID: This is designed to give you a way to link shipments together. If the number entered in the 1st box is used again on another ticket, the 2nd 2 boxes will sequence the numbers for you. It can be helpful when linking rail cars that are shipped on the same bill of lading. You can put a common number in each ticket, then later you can do searches & produce delivery sheets & settlements based on the Shipment Id. If you choose to not enter something, it defaults to I or O, then the 3 digit Location code, and then the ticket number.
Name ID: This is who the grain is for on inbound & who you are selling to on outbound. You can enter if you know the Id or you can search for the Id by hitting the magnifying glass.
Commodity: You can enter the commodity code or search for it by hitting the magnifying glass.
Origin Location: These are customizable and determined in your setup. Hit the magnifying glass to search available codes.
Destination Location: These are customizable and determined in your setup. Hit the magnifying glass to search available codes.
Weight Certificates: These are customizable and determined in your setup. The first column is for the inbound ticket and the second column is for the outbound ticket. The inbound and outbound need to be different. Hit the magnifying glass to see available codes.
Grade Certificates: These are customizable and determined in your setup. The first column is for the inbound ticket and the second column is for the outbound ticket. The inbound and outbound need to be different. Hit the magnifying glass to see available codes.
Applied Weight: The options for this field are either Estimate or Final. The first column is for the inbound ticket and the second is for the outbound ticket. This field can be the same. Hit the magnifying glass to see the available codes.
Applied Grade: The options for this field are either Estimate or Final. The first column is for the inbound ticket and the second is for the outbound ticket. This field can be the same. Hit the magnifying glass to see the available codes.
Weight Certificate: You can enter this number as needed or leave it defaulted to the Location, Outbound code, Outbound Ticket number.
Weights: If you have Applied weights as final for both inbound and outbound tickets, you are only required to put in the final weight. If they are different, you will also need to enter the estimate weights.
Gross Bushels: You can enter the bushels or you can leave it blank after entering the weights and hit ok. The system will calculate the bushels for you.
Sample Number: Can be entered as needed or left blank.
Grade Certificate: Can be entered as needed or left blank.
Grades: If you have Applied Grade as final for both inbound and outbound tickets, you are only required to put in the final grades. If they are different, you will also need to enter the estimate grades.
US Grade: If this is set up on your commodity, it will fill in for you. Other Grades: These are defined on your commodity code and you can enter as needed.
Hitting the freight button will take you to this screen:
Enter Freight information as needed.
Hitting the remarks button will take you to this screen:
The remark titles are defined in your system. Enter remarks as needed.
Hitting the splits button will take you to this screen:
Enter ticket splits as needed for inbound ticket first.
It will ask you to confirm, hit yes
Then it will take you through the application screen for those tickets.
Then you will go through the same process with the outbound tickets.
Hitting the apply button will take you to this screen:
You can apply the tickets as needed.
Hitting Save:
Hitting save will save the tickets and put them in hold.
Hitting Cancel:
Hitting Cancel will cancel you out of the ticket entering process.
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