
AGRIS Customer Documentation




  1. As soon as train is loaded at origin & listing of Car #’s, Weight & Grades are received, tickets can be entered in Agris.

  2. Enter an Inbound, Regular, Rail, Intransit Ticket, recommend that Ship Date is the BOL date of the train. This will put the bushels in your position into the category of Inbound Intransit. It will not update your Stocks on Hand, as you have not actually unloaded the car yet.


Enter Rail Car Number in Vehicle Id, Enter a Train Identifier in Shipment ID, ensuring that all cars related to the BOL have the same Train Identifier in Shipment ID & each different Car Number is in Vehicle ID. Examples of Train Identifiers are the Lead Car on the BOL can be used for Shipment Id. Some assign Train Numbers & keep a running tally of the last number used. Can be a BOL number if one was assigned. Just use something that will be on every ticket in the Shipment Id that links all the cars of this train together.

  1. Enter the Weights & Grades as received from Shipper. Ensure Weight & Grade base are set to Origin or First Official (FO can be added if not available).

  2. Apply ticket to Contract.

  3. Produce a Delivery Sheet. Recommend saying Y (Yes) to 1 Tckt per Application, so that each car can be handled separately, if issues arise (ex: 1 car rejected, 1 car lost by RR)

  4. Produce an Advance Settlement. When Delivery Sheet Applications come up to be selected, choose Select All With Override. This will assign the given % (90%) advance per car, so it will cycle through each Application (each car) & show the % amount of the Advance. This is recommended, again if issues arise & you need to Final Settle cars separately because of reasons noted in Step 2.

  5. Rail cars arrive a few days later & start unloading at the elevator. Update each car in Weights & Grades saying Yes to Update Position. Insert a new Weight Certificate called Destination & apply that certificate to update you Stocks on Hand in your DPR. When saving the update should get pop up message Do you Wish to Update this Ticket from Intransit to Final?, answer Yes. This moves the bushels in your position out of Inbound Intransit to Stocks on Hand.

  6. Once all cars are unloaded a Final Settlement can be produced, it should be a Settlement for the remainder due. Because of actions done in Steps 2 & 3, if you need to split up Final Settlement you will have that ability to pick & choose which Applications (cars) to Final Settlement, if there’s a reason you can’t settle all at the same time.









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