Apply Tickets from Hold

AGRIS Customer Documentation

Apply Tickets from Hold


Use this job aid to apply tickets from hold selecting them one at a time.

To apply tickets one at a time from hold:

  1. From the Toolbar, click GRN for Commodity Management.

  2. From the Commodity menu, select Shipments.

  3. From the Shipments menu, select Apply Tickets From Hold.

  4. Select Apply One Ticket At A Time.

  5. In the Location Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the accounting location for the ticket, or type the accounting location for the ticket.

  6. In the Inbound/Outbound box, type I for Inbound or O for Outbound.

  7. In the Commodity Code box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the commodity code you want to apply the tickets from hold for, or type the commodity code you want to apply the tickets from hold for.

  8. In the Name Id box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the name id for the tickets on hold, or type the name id for the tickets on hold.

  9. In the Type box, type R for regular tickets, D for direct haul tickets, S for terminal storage or A for A/R Invoice tickets.

  10. Click OK.

  11. In the Ticket Number, Shipment Date, Entry Date, Other Ref.# (the Other Ref.# box reflects the description assigned in Setup Information), and Sample Number Beginning and Ending boxes, type information that will limit the selections of tickets on hold, or leave the boxes blank to view all tickets on hold that meet the criteria entered in steps 5-9.

  12. Enter beginning and ending Expected Apply Types to restrict ticket applications within a range a range of expected application types. C for Contract, or the Contract types you have defined such as P for Priced, S for Spot,etc. or dp for delayed price, gb for grain bank, or os for open storage, and xx for hold - not applied. Or leave this field blank to apply all tickets that meet the criteria entered in steps 5 -11.

  13. In the Primary Name Id box, click Lookup or type * and press Enter, and then select the name id for the tickets on hold, or type the name id for the tickets on hold.

  14. In the Transport Mode box, type T for Truck, R for Rail, B for Barge, etc. to limit the ticket selection process to tickets with a specific transportation mode.

  15. In the Vehicle Id a vehicle id can be the tag number, truck number, rail car number, barge number, etc. box, type a vehicle id number that will limit the ticket selection process to tickets with a specific vehicle id.

  16. In the Shipment Id and Farm/Field box, use the Lookup button to add additional information.

  17. Click OK.

  18. The system will ask which tickets you would like to include in your apply.

  19. Click Yes to include the ticket. Click No to go to the next ticket.

  20. Click Yes when you find a ticket you want to apply.

  21. Select the type of application you want to make, and click Select. For this job aid we are selecting a spot contract application.

  22. In the Bushels To Be Applied box, the total bushels on the ticket appears, you may edit as needed.

  23. Make any necessary changes or additions to the discount tables.

  24. Remember, to type an A if you want to add an additional discount table for use with the contract. Type Y to view discount calculations. If no additional discounts, then leave as N.

  25. Click OK.

  26. In the Spot Contract Price boxes, enter the appropriate pricing for the spot contract.

  27. Click OK.

  28. Next screen will be a New Spot Contract Number that will be auto populated, use this number or type in a new one. Click OK.

  29. The system returns you to the first screen in the Apply Tickets from Hold process.

Audited SMW 5/1/23

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