AGRIS Customer Documentation

MSSQL Dataset Export Issue that may be encountered if older versions of BCP.exe are present on the computer you are performing the export with


I was having trouble exporting a SQL dataset recently. There was no visible error that popped up to alert me to the issue, but the resulting BulkIO files it had generated were much too small and the export had taken way less time than it should have. Upon further examination of the file I found a file named ExportJob.xml. I opened the file in notepad and found that every table it had attempted to export had failed with the following error:

<OutputMessage>Processing File [D:\APPS\AGRIS\TEMP\04172018124832675\P01_AP_VCH_TYP.Seq1.dat] bcp: unknown option d usage: bcp {dbtable | query} {in | out | queryout | format} datafile [-m maxerrors] [-f formatfile] [-e errfile] [-F firstrow] [-L lastrow] [-b batchsize] [-n native type] [-c character type] [-w wide character type] [-N keep non-text native] [-V file format version] [-q quoted identifier] [-C code page specifier] [-t field terminator] [-r row terminator] [-i inputfile] [-o outfile] [-a packetsize] [-S server name] [-U username] [-P password] [-T trusted connection] [-v version] [-R regional enable] [-k keep null values] [-E keep identity values] [-h "load hints"] [-x generate xml format file] </OutputMessage>


To resolve the issue I installed the following and then renamed any older instances of BCP.exe that were found on the computer.

Microsoft® ODBC Driver 13.1 for SQL Server® - Windows, Linux, & macOS 

Microsoft Command Line Utilities 14.0 for SQL Server 

BCP.exe is generally found in subfolders located under c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server or c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server.

AGRIS 18.2 and higher will install these as part of the AGRIS installation.

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